
<synopsis>The SFB status administratively requested.〈/synopsis〉 <typeRef>SFBStatusType</typeRef>
〈component access=〃read_only〃 componentID=〃2〃>
<synopsis>The SFB actual operat1nal status.〈/synopsis〉 <typeRef>SFBStatusType</typeRef>
〈component access=〃read_write〃 componentID=〃3〃> <name>metadataDispatchTable</name>
The metadataDispatchTable component, which contains entries of ametadata value, a comparator, a thresholdValue and an output index, specifyingthat a packet with the metadata value must go out from the instance with theoutput index of the SFB group output port.</synopsis)
4、调度服务功能块类的主要任务是对数据包进行调度处理,如果有多个数据流都需要从同一端口出去的时候,那么就编排这些流的发送顺序和节奏,具体描述如下:〈SFBClassDef SFBClassID="2">
〈component access=〃read_write〃 componentID=〃l〃>
<synopsis>The SFB status administratively requested.〈/synopsis〉 <typeRef>SFBStatusType</typeRef>
〈component access=〃read_only〃 componentID=〃2〃> <name>operStatus</name>
<synopsis>The SFB actual operat1nal status.〈/synopsis〉 <typeRef>SFBStatusType</typeRef>
〈component access=〃read_write〃 componentID=〃3〃> <name>currentSchedulingDiscipline</name>
The currentSchedulingDiscipline component, which is for the controller to specify a scheduling discipline to the SFB.</synopsis)
<name> SFBStatusType </name>
Type for SFB status, used for both administrative and operative status.</synopsis)
〈specialValue value=〃0〃>
<synopsis>Port disabled.</synopsis)
〈specialValue value=〃l〃>
<synopsis>Port up.</synopsis)
〈specialValue value=〃2〃>
<synopsis>Port down.〈/synopsis〉
</specialValues> </atomic>
<name> metadataDispatchTableType </name>
<synopsis>Data type for metadata dispatch table.</synopsis)
〈array type=〃variable_size〃>
<name> metadataDispatchEntryType </name>
〈synopsis>Data type for metadata dispatch table used inBasicMetadataDispatch SFB.Metadata value of the table is also defined as acontent key field.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃l〃>
<synopsis>The condit1n which the metadata must follows.〈/synopsis〉 <typeRef>metadataTableType</typeRef>
〈component componentID=〃2〃>
<synopsis)Index of a group output port for outgoing packets.</
<name>metadataTableType </name>
<synopsis>Type of the metadataTable.</synopsis>
〈array type=〃variable_size〃>
</array> </dataTypeDef>
<name> portGroupType </name>
<synopsis>Type of the port groups.〈/synopsis〉
〈array type=〃variable_size〃>
<name> metadataEntryType </name>
<synopsis>Type of the metadataEntry.</synopsis>
〈component componentID=〃l〃>
<synopsis>The ID which represents a dispatch metadata.〈/synopsis〉 〈typeRef>uint32 〈/typeRef〉
〈component componentID=〃2〃>
<name> comparator </name>
<synopsis>The comparator can be chose and can use as the relat1n ofmetadata and threshold value.〈/synopsis〉
〈component componentID=〃3〃>
<synopsis>The threshold value that the metadata must compare with.</
<name> comparatorEnum </name>
<synopsis>The comparator kinds.〈/synopsis〉
<baseType>uint32</baseType> <rangeRestrict1n>
〈allowedRange min=〃0〃 max=〃5〃/>
〈specifiedValue value=〃0〃>
<synopsis>a equals b.</synopsis)
〈specifiedValue value=〃l〃>
<synopsis>a is greater than b.</synopsis)
〈specifiedValue value=〃2〃>
<! __ 小于 __>
<synopsis>a is less than b.</synopsis)
〈specifiedValue value=〃3〃> <name>equalOrGreater</name>
<synopsis>a equals or greater than b.</synopsis) </specifiedValue)
〈specifiedValue value=〃4〃>
<synopsis>a equals or less than b.</synopsis)
〈specifiedValue value=〃5〃>
<synopsis>a is not equal with b.</synopsis)
<name>portType</name> 〈!一端口动作类型一>
<synopsis>Type of the port act1ns.〈/synopsis〉
<al1wedRange min=〃_l〃 max=〃32〃/>
〈specialValue value=〃_l〃>
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